It seems obvious from the responses I've had, that one of the programs needs
to be renamed (no other solutions were presented, and, frankly, I can't
really think of one that won't cause problems).  If we assume this is the
case, it is fairly obvious which one should be renamed: the Mercury one.

Mercury's "mc" probably isn't often invoked by the average Mercury user -
it's normally called by the automated build tools that come with it.  This
means that many users won't notice the change anyway.  For anyone who's
interested, the new name will be "merc" (chosen by consultation with the
Mercury authors).


Warwick Harvey                                    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computer Science                        phone: +61-3-9287-9171
University of Melbourne                                 fax: +61-3-9348-1184
Parkville, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3052     web:

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