You (Dan Stromberg) wrote:
> Ian Jackson wrote:
> > 
> > sh is not suitable for many of the things Perl gets used for -
> > consider update-inetd, update-info &c.
> Actually, a /bin/sh script to add inetd.conf entries, and another to
> remove entries keyed off the service field, was unmentionably simple to
> code, and has proved quite reliable in (lots of) practice.

Come on. update-rc.d is a sh script, and on my Pentium133 it takes 10 (ten!)
seconds to run. That's unacceptable. I rewrote it in perl, line-by-line so
without optimizing it and it now runs in 0.1 secs or so.

_Speed_ is also important.

  Miquel van    | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
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