Package: magicfilter
Version: 1.2-5    

There is one serious problem which prevented magicfilter from working here,
and some small glitches.

1. The executable is installed as /usr/sbin/magicfilter, but the (rather
   well done) /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig extracts a filter, in my case
   /usr/sbin/dj500-filter which starts with # !/usr/bin/magicfilter (not bin,
   not sbin) so that my initial print attempt failed with
        Aug  6 19:24:18 miles lpd[13640]: cannot execv /usr/sbin/dj500-filter
   as dj500-filter tries to start a program that's not there.

   A solution would be to do a  s|usr/sbin|usr/bin|  from magicfilterconfig.

2. There is another problem with extracting the filter from the set of
   filters in /usr/doc/examples/magicfilter/filters/filters.tar.gz as the 
   extracted file is not registered with dpkg --- upon removal of the package
   a useless file will remain on the machine.

3. The generated /etc/printcap had a :pl#72:, you could check /etc/papersize
   and then put :pl#66: for letter paper users.

4. The package suggests pbmplus, and we don't seem to have such a package. I
   think that netpbm replaced pbmplus.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                   

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