Miquel van Smoorenburg writes:
> Well the login we're using now is from util-linux, and unless you can get
> the shadow patches into the upstream source (which wouldn't be a bad idea)
> it would be easier to use the login from the shadow package I think.
> You can use the Replaces: header for that. The same goes for newgrp.
> In fact I think you can drop newgrp since it isn't needed under Linux, we
> have BSD groups support.

But then I think we shoudl keep newgrp just for compatibility.

> vipw and vigr should be rewritten so that they can edit the passwd+shadow.
> I've got a vipw that merges passwd+shadow, lets you edit the merge, and
> then splits it again. It also adheres to the shadow password locking
> convention. If you want it drop me a line.

Yes. Of course I'm interested. Could you either send it to me via email or
place it in my directory on yar or upload it to my ftp site
(feivel.informatik.rwth-aachen.de) and drop me a line please?

> Also, you'll have to replace adduser ofcourse. This will be easy; shadow
> comes with a command line utility "useradd" that just needs a simple
> perl wrapper around it that emulates adduser functionality.

For the first step it seems to be easier to add a call to useradd to the
adduser script we're using already. 

> Bruce (I think it was Bruce) mentioned that we want shadow passwords as
> a standard feature for 1.2; so I think just making sure all conflicting
> packages get upgraded to work with shadow and letting shadow conflict
> with the older packages would do the job.

That should be a Breaks: not a Conflicts: entry. But since we don't have
Breaks: ...

> Which reminds me: RedHat is going to integrate PAM into their next release.
> Perhaps now is a good time to look if we should consider using that too,
> or if we think that shadow is good enough for now.

If we can get PAM, too, I'm all for integrating it. What has to be done?


Michael Meskes                   |    _____ ________ __  ____
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