On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 09:29:04AM +0000, Wilmer van der Gaast wrote:
> >  I am happy to take it.  But a question: with the more actively
> >  maintained dput now being quite mature, do we still need both dupload
> >  and dput?
> >  
> *Ugh* Why are those nifty Perl scripts going to be replaced by Python
> stuff?
> (Don't tell me someone's working on a Python debhelper rewrite...)

bug, dupload, and lintian are getting Python rewrites because people who
like that laugnage think they can do better.  I'd have to agree that both
reportbug and dput are (though dput was not when I first tried it - weird
problems that have resolved themselves with a few more revisions..)  We'll
see about linda.

If you think you can make a better tool than one that exists, make it.  I
don't care what you write it in as long as it works well.  I don't think
anyone else does either.  =)

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          You want fries with that?
Since this database is not used for profit, and since entire works are not
published, it falls under fair use, as we understand it.  However, if any
half-assed idiot decides to make a profit off of this, they will need to
double check it all...
        -- Notes included with the default fortunes database

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