On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 07:54:54PM -0500, Donald J Bindner wrote:
> Well, I didn't expect to inspire such a vibrant thread!  A couple
> of responses (not in anger, just adding some perspective).
> 1) free vs. non-free alternatives
> I use VMWare 2.0.  If you think that bochs and Plex86 aren't
> viable alternatives yet, you can imagine the state of the world
> (2 years ago today) when I bought my license.  At that time
> VMWare was being praised for bringing Linux into places where it
> never before existed.

That's actually true. We should fix the free alternatives. :)

> I have since felt slightly cajoled by the company to buy upgrades
> that I didn't feel that I needed, and I resisted.  I am content
> with what I have, and satisfied to wait until a free alternative
> becomes viable.  When I can start Plex86, drop in a Windows NT
> install disk (or any other OS for that matter) and install a
> system from scratch, I will be pleased to do it.  I am in the end
> a free software zealot.

Yes, it was actually your own fault, but the problem is that there
doesn't exist a good free alternative. There are a lot of outstanding
plex86 patches and somebody from an university had interest in
plex86. The project isn't dead and I hope you can happily run plex86
within a couple of months. And it won't have this kind of problems and
it would just be possible to apt-get install plex86. :)

> 2) posting to ddevel
> I posted to ddevel for a few reason (perhaps in error, and I'm
> willing to concede that).
>  - I read the list, and I have for a long time (so I don't
>    actually need to be Cc:ed).
>  - I was continuing a previous thread.  The level seemed to
>    be of a technical nature and relevant to the list.
> My question wasn't really of the "user" variety (how do I
> configure a fire wall, how do ... in dselect, etc.).

Actual my point was that you should ask vmware for the patch, we can't
provide it because it's non-free software.

Jeroen Dekkers
Jabber supporter - http://www.jabber.org Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org http://www.gnu.org

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