On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 11:40:44AM -0700, Michael Cardenas wrote:
> Yes, you're right about removing the free part. I simply wanted to
> make a single package of truetype fonts for ease of use. I see now
> that there are a number of ttf packages, but they seem to all be asian
> charsets. I'm trying to create an alternative for msttcorefonts and
> xfonts-scalable-nonfree packages (which do not follow the convention
> you have mentioned here).

As for the packaging of xfonts-scalable-nonfree.  It is all from one source
distribution, unlike your proposed package.  From the package description:

"... xfonts-scalable-nonfree contains a set of Type1 and TrueType fonts that
are part of the XFree86 distribution,"

Likewise, msttcorefonts was a coherent collection, all from the same foundry
and distributed together.

But given that these fonts are all from different sources, they should not
all be in one package.  The proper way of doing this kind of aggregation is
to make a meta package (a package that contains nothing but dependencies on
other packages) that depends on these fonts.  Think of a suitable name that
distinguishes your aggregate from other possible packages and use the "ttf-"
prefix to indicate this package provides TrueType fonts.  Thus, if the
common thread is that these are all suitable for displaying latin alphabets,
then you might have ttf-latin[1].  If your collection is a personal
collection, distinct from other peoples' latin font collections, you might
call it ttf-cardenas-latin instead. :)

[1] This does not rule out the possibility that one or more font packages
    included in this aggregate may also be suitable for non-latin
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