On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 04:56:06PM -0300, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> I guess that subproject-howto can be the start to 'Debian 
> Subproject Guidelines' or 'Debian Subproject Policy'.What do you
> think, Ben?

Sure, it could be a start.  The subproject-howto is intended to be a
hands-on guide to creating and maintaining a subproject.  It's pretty much a
"guidelines" document already.  However, a) it only contains my point of
view and b) it is dreadfully incomplete. 

I don't think there needs to be a policy document.  Policy is appropriate 
for our software because failure to comply with policy makes it difficult 
for parts of the system to cooperate with each other.  Subprojects are much 
more self-contained, and there are as many ways of doing them as there are 
project leaders.  So a guidelines document is all that is really needed.

I'd like to see input from others into the subproject-howto document,
particularly those who are in the process of creating new subprojects, and
those who have already established their projects but may have done things
differently than I have with Debian Jr. 

Would an Alioth project for subproject-howto help move this document along?

Is the name "subproject-howto" OK?

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