On Friday 08 August 2003 10:59 am, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 10:32:07AM -0600, Joel Baker wrote:
> > Funny. I thought the FSF was, at least origionally, more or less
> > entirely about self-interest, altruism, and politics.
> The organisation might have been founded for those reasons, although
> I think it was primarily politics. I don't think you'll find much (if
> any) GNU code that was written because of them. Most of it was
> written because "I need a foo. I don't *have* a foo, but I *do* know
> how to make one".

Eh?! The FSF is *all* about altruism and politics. 

See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/philosophy.html
particularly http://www.fsf.org/gnu/manifesto.html

If you haven't, listen to the free software song: 

The FSF and the GNU project is all about ideals, politics, altruim, 
self-interest, helping your neighbor, etc. If there are people who 
contribute to it that DON'T believe in those things, well, that's their 
choice, but it doesn't change what the project is all about.

> > So tell us - why *do* people write free software?
> I write software because I can, and I release it as free software
> because that makes it better over time. Others will vary (I'm not in
> the mood for writing an essay on the subject).

While most software might be written because you have an itch to 
scratch, that doesn't explain why people give it away as free software.

I release all software I create as free software of the common 
philosophical beliefs that I share with the FSF. Simply put: If I make 
something cool for myself, I want to share it so that other people can 
enjoy it too. I'm nice. I like to share. I want to help people. And 
change the world while I'm at it.

Wesley J. Landaker - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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