> Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > dpkg-ftp downloads the Packages files ok using this, but when I go to
> > download, it can't find the files:
> Actually you should use
> distribution base: .../debian/dists/unstable
> section list: main non-free contrib
> Use unstable or frozen or stable in the distribution base.

Even with this, I can't get it to work.  I'm running into the same 
problem Mr. Hess reported.  Using dir: /debian dist: unstable, I have 
been able to get hamm, but no combination I've tried has allowed me to 
get hamm/non-free or hamm/contrib.  I can get the packages files, but 
not the packages themselves.

     Buddha Buck                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects."  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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