On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 09:25:38PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> Op do, 16-12-2004 te 14:46 -0500, schreef Ian Murdock:
> > We've heard
> > directly from the biggest ISVs that nothing short of a common
> > binary core will be viable from their point of view.
> Well, frankly, I don't care what they think is 'viable'.
> 'ISV' is just another name for 'Software Hoarder'. I thought Debian was
> about Freedom, not about "how can we make the life of proprietary
> software developers easy?"

Regardless of how you feel about proprietary software, it is someone else's
work and they are free to sell or license it as they see fit.  I don't see
how someone advocating "freedom" can in the same (virtual) breath presume to
dictate what other people do with their work.


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