On Wednesday 09 November 2005 05:18, Anthony Towns wrote:
> For those playing along at home, the CDDL isn't GPL compatible, and
> OpenSolaris's libc is CDDL'ed -- so anything GPLed can't link to libc
> since that would violate 3(a) [0]. The reason GPL'ed software is okay
> for regular Solaris is the "major components" exception, but that only
> applies if those components don't "accompan[y] the executable".

> [0] Presuming the FSF's claims about dynamic linking hold up in this
>     case, anyway.

I consider a Debian-derived distribution a derived work of the contained 
Debian tools in more ways than "mere" dynamic linking.

To be more specific: I don't believe that the fact that software A is being 
packaged with Debians tools is a derived work of said tools, but I can't 
imagine a LiveCD, looking and feeling like a Debian system, which indeed 
employs said tools and methods by incorporating them source- and binarywise 
NOT being a derivative work of said tools. But IANAL, so I don't know whether 
the distinction between "merely aggregated" applications on the System and 
the System itself holds up.

> So there're three fairly simple ways around that issue:
>   (a) [seperate distribution]
>   (b) [relicinsing OpenSolaris' libc]
>   (c) [porting glibc]

I'd like to add (d) distributing as source only. Compiling the whole thing on 
the users system changes the deliverable from "Debian lookalike" to "CD-Image 
builder". The latter is subtly different by shipping Debians tools not as an 
integral part of a system but as one of many possible implementations of the 
various command line interfaces. Of course thusly built ISO images wouldn't 
be distributable, but IIRC this would be similar to the pine and qmail 
situation, which also prohibit (modified) binary distribution.

On other news, private communication by the gnusolaris.org people lead me to 
the conviction that they are internally working on resolving their problems 
with the legalese and we should give them a break. I will keep you informed 
about their progress.

Regards, David
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 -- Matthias Leeb, Uni f. angewandte Kunst, 2005-02-15

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