On Thursday 19 April 2007 03.15:21 David Nusinow wrote:
> We
> need to push XCB forward though, and how to deal with the java bug
> mentioned in that post isn't clear yet.

What I don't quite understand is how a non-free package should block this 

Yes, Java is used by a lot of people and I'd certainly not push this into 
testing until the problem is solved, but we're talking about unstable here.  
If Java is broken in unstable because of a Java bug (AFAIU this is really a 
Java bug, not an X bug?) and is not so easy to fix, the by all means lets 
break Java.  Somebody apparently had pressure from somebody to push Java 
into non-free, so reports that Java is broken in Debian unstable should get 
the pressure up to get it fixed, no?

-- vbi

what is the process?  Do we vote, do we pray or do we send bribes?
        -- Ian Grigg, trying to get a new OpenPGP RFC out

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