On Sunday 22 June 2008 12:08:30 Adam Majer wrote:
> AFAIK, we do not distribute "things", we distribute *software*. Some
> packages are just composed of data though, but other packages depend on
> it. Some is just data that is very useful in the *Debian* project. This
> includes the keyring.
> Certainly, the backports.org keyring is useful to some people, *but* it
> is,
>   1. not free software

Actually, how are debian-keyring and debian-archive-keyring free-software, 
anyway? Do I get source code for the all GPG keys they contain? 
The /usr/share/doc/debian-keyring/copyright even says "The keys in the 
keyrings don't fall under any copyright." Ooooops!

Maybe there are other reasons, but let's not pretend we're keeping 
debian-backports-keyring out because it's not "free software".

(Personally, I think all keyrings are fine.)

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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