<> (15/12/2008):
> digraph Results {
>   ranksep=0.25;
>  "Ask the DAMs to postpone the changes until vote or consensus.\n4.49" [ 
> style="filled" , fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10  ];
>  "Ask the DAMs to postpone the changes until vote or consensus.\n4.49" -> 
> "Further Discussion" [ label="164" ];
>  "Invite the DAM to further discuss until vote or consensus, leading to a new 
> proposal.\n4.27" [ style="filled" , color="powderblue", shape=egg, 
> fontcolor="NavyBlue", fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10  ];
>  "Invite the DAM to further discuss until vote or consensus, leading to a new 
> proposal.\n4.27" -> "Ask the DAMs to postpone the changes until vote or 
> consensus.\n4.49" [ label="13" ];
>  "Invite the DAM to further discuss until vote or consensus, leading to a new 
> proposal.\n4.27" -> "Further Discussion" [ label="160" ];
>  "Ask the DAMs to implement the changes.\n0.51" [ style="filled" , 
> color="pink", shape=octagon, fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10  ];
>  "Further Discussion" -> "Ask the DAMs to implement the changes.\n0.51" [ 
> label="85" ];
>  "Further Discussion" [ style="filled" , shape=diamond, fontcolor="Red", 
> fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10  ];
> }

For those of you who aren't used to graphviz, you can render the graph
using: dot -Tpng -o results.png

Works with s/png/svg/g as well.


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