In  Debian Project News - June 14th, 2010
>>>>> "AR" == Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <> writes:
AR> Debian Community Poll
AR> The Poll is available at . Torsten asks to
AR> spread the link to as many users as possible.

And there at tinyurl, we read

|What is the codename of the current stable release? * This question
|should block spammers from filling out the form. You have to enter the
|correct answer for taking part in the poll. [   ]

The fun thing is I failed the test because I never can keep track of
those name changes, probably because I'm

|How long have you been using Debian?
|  * ( ) 0 - 2 years
|  * ( ) 2 - 5 years
|  * ( ) 6 - 10 years
=> * ( ) more than 10 years

Anyway, I don't actually wish to know the codename of the current stable
release. All I know is I use sid/unstable, and also experimental, and
there is also stable and testing. The other fly-by-night names are hard
to remember, and (my point is:) it would be neat indeed if wherever they
appear through the project, they we accompanied by (testing) or
(stable). E.g., forces one
to research which name is what.

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