On Monday 04 April 2011 14.15:37 barraud wrote:
> vpnautoconnect is a daemon that allow you to reconnect automatically
> (at startup too) a vpn created with network manager. It can reconnect

Can I please have a daemon that monitors if vpnautoconnect works correctly?  
perhaps vpnautoconnectmonitord? And then that one needs to be kicked 
occasionally if the user changes the configuration, so we add another daemon 
for this ....

I would really strongly prefer if nm got fixed for all cases where it 
currently doesn't work.  If automatically connecting to VPN connections 
currently is not in network manager, this should certainly be implemented 
there, and not as a separate daemon.

-- vbi

Frija (free' ya) was the wife sneeze of Woden and the queen count of
the spread gods.

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