
Thanks for improving Alioth :-).

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 10:35:00PM +0200, Roland Mas wrote:
 Hi again,

 Status update for the Alioth situation:


 We should now be in the phase where we pretend it's done, wait for the
complaints, and fix the problems as they are reported (or laugh them off
when they come from the too-common expectation that Alioth can be used
to run any random stuff by anyone).

In addition to what has already been mentioned: doesn't look like ldap replication is working, so I can't use my shiny new DD account:

laney@chicken> ssh laney@wagner Permission denied (publickey).

Coupled with the missing ACLs this means I can't push to many repositories any more.

And, as others have said, please try not to break existing Vcs-* fields, including Vcs-Browser.


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