
Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> (29/05/2011):
> from time to time I hear some rumblings about how "3.0 (quilt)"
> mixes badly with VCS. Indeed, one of the primary goals of the format
> was to not require prior knowledge of the patch system to be able to
> modify a package.

thanks for trying to improve the situation.

> b/ modify dpkg-source --before-build to keep a trace of the fact that
>    it applied the patches (for example by creating
>    .pc/dpkg-source-auto-applied) and in that case have dpkg-source
>    --after-build unapply the patches so that we're back to a clean
>    state after a succesful build.
>    If the build fails, we'd keep the patches applied.
> My preference goes to b/ because it doesn't require changes for
> people who like to keep the patches applied in their VCS too. And
> it's the principle of least surprise, you keep the same state afer a
> build than you had before the build (so it's still ok for people who
> rely on the scenario unpack/hack/rebuild).
> Comments? Does this look reasonable?

I think that from 1.0 format, a use case is still broken with that
 - build a package
 - install its binaries
 - check the behaviour is the same as with the package in the archive
   (i.e. rebuilding doesn't fix the issue magically)
 - hack hack hack
 - debuild|dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc
 → oh, files were patched/unpatched/changed, you get to rebuild a lot
   of things, instead of just the relevant files

Unfortunately I come empty-handed, but I wanted to mention that use
case anyway.


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