In the "humorless jerks complaining" department:

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 01:23:15AM +0000, Jonathan McCrohan wrote:
> * Package name    : nyancat
> * URL             :
> Nyancat is an animated, color, ANSI-text telnet server that renders a loop of
> the classic Nyan Cat animation. Nyancat can also be run as a standalone 
> program
> in a local terminal if telnet functionality is not required.

Is this worth including in Debian? It's funny for several microfortnights,
but how many people really need to install this?

Debian already has 35 thousand binary packages. Do we really need to
package everything? Even a tiny software toy brings a bit of burden
to the entire project: it needs to be built on every architecture,
Packages files grow (and they need to be processed by every Debian
computer), translators need to translate the description, etc.

If we package this, are we to package every programmatic implementation
of every Internet meme out there? What about IOCCC winners? What about
love letters expressed in C?

tl;dr: I don't think we should have this in Debian. Sorry.

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