
> A small part of a distro dev team choose to use a systemd and others users are
> simply forced to use it.
(a) then you should have complained / started a GR *instead of* delegating
the question to the TC.

>   Are we engineers or marketers? I thought we talk about a technical side
> of a debian init and not about market and other nonsense. 
Market share correlates with user and developer interest, which correlates
with number of people who work on the program and find bugs and whatnot.
We *do* want an init system which doesn't wither away because upstream
loses interest or doesn't fix year-old fatal bugs, don't we?

> Again. If these companies invest money into the development of their embedded
> platforms init, we must not use it in our desktops and servers.

So, in your opnion, everybody who works on their Debian packages on some
company's time+payroll should immediately stop doing it and leave the project?
You can't really mean that …

-- Matthias Urlichs

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