Gerfried Fuchs <> writes:

>  Remove from stable-bpo if it's not expected to come back in is what we
> actually do, yes.  And to have an overview of these situations I created
> myself the diffstats page:
>  Looking at the "not available" page, I noticed that I need to remove
> the twisted-* packages.  *heading over to franck*

The only reason that this one shows up to be removed is because the
package names changed in unstable/testing from twisted-* to
python-twisted-* so I don't think that this should be removed. You might
argue that a newer version from testing should be put into bpo and these
removed, which I wont argue against, but updating the version in bpo
From a new testing version should not be rushed due to this aggressive
removal situation.

Personally, I've found the aggressive removal from testing to be a shock
in a number of cases. I understand the motivations behind it, but it
feels like a bit too aggressive pressure for my tastes. I've seen a lot
of developers of packages who have found out their package will be
removed from testing, but don't have the time to resolve the situation
before it gets removed, resulting in much pulling of hair. I feel like
the window for removal from testing is too short and is having negative
consequences on the stress level of people whose volunteer labor
contributions to Debian are already stretched thin. Most everyone I've
spoken to in this situation has said that it wouldn't be so bad if they
had just a couple more days.

I'd like it if that shock wasn't also quickly passed on to backports and
instead things were examined a little more closely before purging

For example, say package X has been backported at version 1.0, version
2.0 is uploaded to sid, transitions to jessie and then has an RC bug
that threatens removal. The problem with the 2.0 package has to do with
some security issue upstream, which looks like it will be a deep code
massage to fix and will take a while, too long for the testing removal
auto firing squad. The maintainer wishes that they had not uploaded 2.0
yet, because 1.0 was fine.

Now backports sees the difference, because the 1.0 version has been
removed from testing, so bpo now has a newer version than what is in
testing. But the package is actually a *better*, but backports gets its
package removed anyways.

Maintainer decides to eat the epoch and re-uploads version 1.0 to get a
functioning package, uploads urgency high and package transitions to
testing and a backport of the same package needs to be done again in a
very short period of time after it was removed. 


Churn baby churn, disco inferno!

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