On 13/04/14 07:13, Pirate Praveen wrote:
Because my contributions are respected equally, in most other
distributions my contributions will be treated second class, subject
to wishes of managers, even those who don't contribute technically in
that area.

During the last month I found myself, as Ubuntu Bug Control member, setting importances to hundreds of bugs; so making obvious where the important work in fixing bugs could be done.

For that I made a course in productivity and wrote a coherent work-flow which was compatible with the already work-flow which was in use, and share it with the Ubuntu Quality team: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl/Final%20clean-up>

Using this work-flow, using concepts deployed in high speed factories; I had been able to manage an amount of bugs by far greater than any other member, including the bug master itself.

And because I wanted this way of working to be resistant to mistakes, I explained every choice; so forcing myself to think about what I was doing and everyone being able to easily review these.

Also happened that, after developing such an amount of work, it came to my mind some changes that perhaps could improve bug management; being one of them setting high importance to bugs that are package update proposals, because they usually came with many bugs being fixed and starting on this could prevent developers for being working in flaws which are already solved.

So, from the hundreds I managed, I set three bugs to high importance (not critical) under this criteria. Latter realised this would be better if spoken before hand, so I stopped doing that and asked the Quality team to consider this change.

Surprisingly, what I received were criticisms and the following email from the bug masted:

On 09/04/14 23:57, Brian Murray wrote:
> I'm writing to let you know that I have deactivated your membership in
> Ubuntu Bug Control temporarily. I appreciate your enthusiasm and efforts
> in working on Ubuntu bugs, but I feel that you have been using bug
> importances incorrectly and this is disrupting the work of the Ubuntu
> Foundations development team and likely others. With the release of
> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS imminent it is important that the time of Ubuntu
> developers is used wisely and this measure is being taken to ensure
> that. I hope your understand and please know that I do want to talk to
> you about this matter after the release of 14.04. Additionally, feel
> free to ask for other Ubuntu Bug Control members to set the importance
> for you.
> Here is a list of example bugs which I ran across today and we can
> discuss later on:
> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1299855
> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1159016
> http://launchpad.net/bugs/996568
> http://launchpad.net/bugs/459730
> --
> Brian Murray
> Ubuntu Bug Master

The fact that why I'm sharing this information with you has little to do with a personal conflict, but rather with the fact of being thinking for a long time what you just have said:

On 13/04/14 07:13, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> Because my contributions are respected equally, in most other
> distributions my contributions will be treated second class, subject
> to wishes of managers, even those who don't contribute technically in
> that area.

Astonishing the situation you describe seems to fit exactly what has happened to me. In fact contribution in Launchpad, the Ubuntu development platform, is measured and I collected data from those who appeared to confront myself; for being objective about how much in touch they're with these processes themselves.

After looking at the attachment in this message, I got somehow angry.

I was to ask this question a long time ago in this mailing list, without having entered in any conflict at all.

And excuse me if I took some of your time. If I have done it's because I feel this is somehow important.


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