On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 16:45:56 +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Shachar Shemesh <shachar <at> debian.org> writes:
> >     the changes there is a runtime check for undefined behavior. Just
> >     compile with -fsanitize=undefined, and your program will crash with
> >     log if it performs an operation that C/C++ considers to be
> >     undefined.
> This does not help. At all.
> Consider:
> • all possible codepaths
>   ×
> • all possible combinations of input/state data
> Even “just” checking mksh would not work, for example.
> Let alone OpenSSL.
> Plus, crashing in a screensaver is bad :D

So are we really at a point where we need all the en-vogue techniques applied to
each and every package in our distribution? Shouldn't we maybe first sort out
some basic problems that the compiler tells us about at no run-time cost? I was
slightly in shock when I realised the length of the list at


knowing that bugs such as #702889 would have been caught by the compiler. (And
anyway missing function declarations imply a chance of undefined behaviour as
per, paragraph 10 of ISO C11.)

I'm not saying that there aren't any packages benefiting from
hardening/sanitisation flags, but type checking and data-flow analyses built
into current compilers could do a very decent job already *if only people paid
attention to warnings*. And doing static analysis (which, by the way, is a key
approach to combat the combinatorial explosion outlined by mirabilos) beyond
what compilers do as part of their job will require that the most basic
inconsistencies be ironed out first.


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