Op woensdag 7 mei 2014 20:14:50 schreef Ben Finney:
> Wouter Verhelst <wou...@debian.org> writes:
> > Op vrijdag 2 mei 2014 15:58:37 schreef Paul Tagliamonte:
> > > If you were to 'update' the image, how would you do it? What things
> > > would you need? Include that. Think about what you'd need when 
> > > fork the project.
> > 
> > Does that mean I should include "wget"?
> I'm sure you know this, and I am having difficulty interpreting your
> question in good faith. But in case you actually don't know:

I was speaking with tongue in cheek here. Of course I know.

The point is, I'm having a hard time buying the argument that if the minified 
javascript was unmodified, and if the non-minified javascript library is in the 
archive (or a version of said javascript library which will function in exactly 
the same way), that the minified javascript is suddenly non-free because it 
does not contain the non-minified version in the *same* source tarball.

The source is there. For the very same reason we accept built-using and *-
source packages, I don't see a problem with having a minified javascript 
library in a source tarball *as long as the source is in Debian*, somewhere.

The point of freedom is to allow people to make changes, not to have a 
pedantically correct version of every bit of source "out there". So long as 
people can make such changes without too much effort (and I submit that 
in the case of minified javascript libraries without non-minified version, they 
can), I don't see what the problem is.

> > Most minified externally-produced javascript files are just downloaded
> > verbatim off the web.
> How can we verify which ones are verbatim copies, automatically for
> every release of the source package?

If you must, you could take a checksum and build a database of known-
unmodified versions. I'm not convinced that's actually useful, however.

> > I agree with the sentiment that we should provide source "in Debian"
> > for everything that's actually useful for our users.
> Do you agree that nobody except the recipient gets to decide what they
> find useful?
> Or would you arrogate to the Debian project the power to deny the fact
> that a recipient may find a Debian source package useful in itself?
> > If a dependency and a symlink exists, however, it's clear that the
> > maintainer meant to say "source is over there".
> The maintainer may intend that to be true. Without independent 
> verification, we are merely guessing and hoping.

We are merely guessing and hoping that most of the code in Debian is 
actually under the license terms as specified in the debian/copyright file, 
too. Yes, with machine-parseable copyright files you can make verifications 
as to whether the copyright file matches the copyright header in the file. 
That's still not a proof.

> How can we verify
> independently that no such assertion is false? I've described a means
> that is certain and simple: discard the non-source form from the source
> package.

It is certainly a certain way of doing that, yes. It is also annoying for the 
maintainer involved, and should not be necessary.

It is easy to love a country that is famous for chocolate and beer

  -- Barack Obama, speaking in Brussels, Belgium, 2014-03-26

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