On 29 July 2014 09:40, Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au> wrote:

>  if [ -e /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper ] ; then
>     . /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper
>     apache2_invoke enconf package.conf
> elif  dpkg-query -f '${Version}'  -W 'apache2.2-common' > /dev/null 2>&1 ;
> then
>     # if the configuration uses <IfVersion> uncomment the next line
>     # a2enmod -q version
>     [ -d /etc/apache2/conf.d/ ] && [ ! -l /etc/apache2/conf.d/package.conf
> ] && ln -s ../conf-available/package.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/package.conf
> fi

Like I said, that 2nd condition doesn't seem to work correctly, and comes
with a false positive in sid if apache2-bin is installed (I still don't
understand this).

Maybe something like (full postinst file):

=== cut ===
#!/bin/sh -e

apache_force_reload() {

    if apache2ctl configtest 2>/dev/null; then

        invoke-rc.d apache2 restart || true


        echo "Your apache2 configuration is broken, please fix it and
restart apache2 manually."


if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
    if [ -e /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper ] ; then
        . /usr/share/apache2/apache2-maintscript-helper
        apache2_invoke enconf package.conf
    elif  command -v apache2 > /dev/null && apache2 -v | sed -n 's/^Server
version: //p' | grep -q 'Apache/2.2'; then
        ln -sf ../conf-available/package.conf

=== cut ===

It appears to work both on wheezy and sid.

The ln -sf might be an oversimplification, will fail if the sysadmin has
deleted /etc/apache2/conf.d - I consider this unlikely however.

Possibly #DEBHELPER# should come first.

It also appears that "a2enmod -q version" is not required, and generates an
error, both on wheezy and sid, so I removed that comment.
Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au>

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