On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 01:25:42PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> Sytse Sijbrandij <sy...@gitlab.com> writes:
> > Awesome that you are considering to move to Git.
> Note that this is not “moving to Git”. A great deal of Debian
> development is already done using Git, and that's not going to be
> directly affected much by a Debian GitLab instance.
> Rather, this is the Debian project considering our own instance of a
> first-class Git hosting platform.
> > GitLab B.V. would be more than happy to help with gitlab.debian.net
> > and pay for the hosting. This in collaboration with volunteers such as
> > Praveen and while ensuring that Debian is fully in control.
> Fantastic, thank you!
> "Pirate Praveen" <prav...@onenetbeyond.org> writes:
> > It will be an instance of gitlab CE, under MIT license and managed by
> > Debian. Gitlab folks will just sponsor the hosting.
> Much appreciated, thank you to GitLab B.V. for this generous offer.

Indeed, thanks!

A quick reminder though - can anyone who wants to push this forward make
sure that DSA are kept in the loop?


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