Thorsten Glaser <> writes:

> Simon McVittie dixit:
>>You can still do this via manual configuration; as far as I understand
> Yes, but…
>>* the current Debian-specific persistent-net-generator scheme
> pitti wants to drop this; however, this is where we usually
> do the manual renaming when needed.
> By all means, do your new thing, but don’t break things for
> the people who wish to continue using persistent-net-generator
> and for whom it works and who don’t have any problems with
> the problems it has you outlined a few weeks ago.
> (Heh. I sound like I’m repeating myself every year now…)
> tl;dr: Just keep persistent-net-generator, even discourage
> people from using it who don’t know what they’re doing,
> but don’t remove it.

So, is what you are asking for that rather than simply deleting
75-persistent-net-generator.rules, that it instead be moved to
/usr/share/doc/udev/examples/ with a note suggesting that people
not use it?

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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