Daniel Reichelt <deb...@nachtgeist.net> writes:

> when I do 'apt-get source linux' with jessie+sid enabled in sources.list,
> there's no way to select jessie's ksrc version by target release. Neither
> of these work:

> - apt-get source linux
> - apt-get -t jessie source linux
> - apt-get source linux/jessie


> Doing an 'apt-get source linux=3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u3' works as expected.

Yeah, it's been like this forever.  I've reported this before.

I believe the explanation is that selecting the distribution doesn't work
the way that you think it does.  It just changes the prioritization used
for selecting packages to install, which is then ignored by the source
command.  (I could have the details wrong; this is vague memory from
previous discussions.)

It would be great if this could be fixed at some point, since it's really
surprising UI behavior.

The workaround, as you discovered, is to figure out what version you want
with apt-cache show and then specify it with the = syntax.

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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