On 11/09/2015 10:25 PM, Brian May wrote:
> Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> writes:
>> FWIW, while I helped the vmdebootstrap folks at the recent Cambridge
>> sprint with getting UEFI support in place, it was something of a
>> surprise to me to hear that their tool would be called "live-build-ng".
>> This seems pretty over the top to me and I was expecting it to be called
>> vmdebootstrap-live or something like that; at the very least, calling
>> something "-ng" seems like it sets pretty high expectations.
> I only briefly read the bug report:
> https://bugs.debian.org/804315
> It sounds like an email on the lines of "this is what we are working on;
> this is what we intend to call it" might have been a good idea when they
> started. So it doesn't come as a complete surprise when it happens.

It is at least to Daniel, so something is definitively wrong.

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