* NOKUBI Takatsugu <k...@daionet.gr.jp>, 2016-02-12, 08:27:
Jakub Wilk wrote:
Are you trying to move the script to libchasen-dev? Why? There are Debian maintainer scripts that use chasen-config. Are they going to depend on the -dev package?

Yes, now I will move the script into libchasen-dev because it seems make sense, chasen-config is not related with chasen dictionaries.

I don't know much about this package, but codesearch.d.n tells me that all users of chasen-config call it with the --mkchadic option, which causes the script to print /usr/lib/<triplet>/chasen/, which is a directory shipped by chasen-config. So it's not completely unrelated...

And, as it turns out, the implementation of --mkchadic is the only part of the config script that uses the multi-arch triplet in a way that can't be trivially patched-out. (The only other place where the triplet is used is --libs, where the script prints "-L${prefix}/lib/<triplet>"; but this -L is a no-op that can be removed.)

Jakub Wilk

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