On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 7:03 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:

> When I decided that debbugs should work like this:

I think this was the right decision and still is, with this additional reason:

Folks are much busier these days and every extra unnecessary email
takes extra time and brain space that could be spent on other tasks
and thoughts.

>  * Make all submitters of new bugs be subscribed by default.

I definitely do not want this myself and I don't think it is a good
idea, for the reasons you mentioned and more importantly for the one I
mentioned. If it changes, I would want a way to disable subscription
for all bugs I submit. Probably a good idea to have a Subscribe: yes
option at submit@ time too.

> An alternative, more comprehensive approach, would be:

I think it would be enough to just add options for subscription at
submit@ time and on a per-email-address basis. Even better would be a
full bugzilla-style email preferences thing.



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