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On 25 August 2017 at 14:53, Enrico Zini <> wrote:

> # updates
> At DebConf17, people from New Member Front Desk, keyring-maint and MIA
> teams met and worked on developing and deploying various new things on
> ## "cancel" link for a process
> If you started a process by mistake, or want to change your mind, you
> can now click "cancel" on the process page, and have it canceled
> yourself, with the opportunity to provide a message for the logs.
> ## 1-click emeritus
> You can now use to retire from Debian (emeritus): request
> a new status on your personal page[1], write a goodbye message that will
> be automatically posted on debian-private, and you are done.
> This also automatically notifies the MIA team, so that they can check if
> some of your packages still need orphaning.
> [1] Direct link:
> ## New automated "Where Art Thou?" processes
> The MIA team[1] can now trigger a WAT run for a person with just one
> click. The process is tracked like any other process in the site, so it
> will be easy to track progress, or lack of response, over time.
> The WAT mail will contain links that can be clicked to report that a
> person is still active (which will automatically cancel the process), or
> to the 1-click emeritus interface to retire, described above.
> 30 days after the WAT ping is sent, if no action was taken by the
> potentially MIA developer, a Debian Account Manager, or someone
> delegated by them, can initiate the account removal.
> The account removal is notified with a mail to
>, followed by a pause of two weeks to
> give people time to react. For example, the MIA ping could have been
> sent to an old email address, and this gives people a chance to point it
> out.
> Finally, if no concerns are raised, the account is removed.
> [1]
> ## Easier approvals for Front Desk and DAM
> is now able to talk directly to to submit
> issues. This makes it easier to do approvals for Front Desk and DAM. It
> also helps avoid encoding issues in signatures seen by keyring-maint.
> can also now interact with a command line tool[1] to
> automate those review steps that usually happen on Front Desk or DAM's
> systems, like verifying signatures in mails and signing the final RT
> ticket.
> [1]
> Enrico
> --
> GPG key: 4096R/634F4BD1E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <

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