On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 09:26:54PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 09:53:43PM +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> > > I have managed mailman installations for some time so I'm fairly familiar
> > > with how it works, and have some time from November onwards to work on
> > > this which I hope would be enough time to develop and implement a 
> > > migration
> > > plan. I'm CCing the alioth and DSA teams so they are aware of this.
> > Do you have infrastructure for running it? 
> (as I understand it…)
> Alexander's point is that mailman needs root access and DSA is not 
> happy^wwilling
> to hand out root (anymore for this).

I don't think there is any fundamental reason for mailman to need root
access, so maybe that is an option. Of course the MTA and web
server interfaces need to be properly configured.

Alternatively, can the Debian project provide infrastructure that DSA
doesn't manage for this? I would really hope so.

Alternatively, if joining DSA is an option, I would also consider this.
(It's been in the back of my mind as something I could contribute for
most of the time I've been in Debian, but I've never been quite brave
enough to mention it before.)

I see these as all soluble issues that needs to be part of a discussion
between all involved parties, but at this stage (not least because I'm
about to go on vac) I'm mostly interested about whether in principle
this is something that the project would like.


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