On Fri, 1 Dec 2017 10:15:41 +0000, Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org>
>On Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 02:34:40PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
>>It would have been best for him to download the ISO with non-free
>>firmware embedded, do you know how he made the decision to download
>>the ISO without non-free firmware?
>I can't even find it from following links on debian.org, although I know
>that it exists.

Agreed, I failed last week finding that ISO.

>>Sounds like you need to get him to file a bug against ntfs-3g and
>>against whichever meta-package or other component should be installing
>We've missed the boat, he's not using Debian anymore.

Yes. We're approaching a worst-of-both-worlds scenario: We're not Free
enough to have the FSF recommend us, and we're not non-free enough for
our OS to run on current hardware used by Linux beginners, and cause
them to end up with OSses that are (a) not Debian, and (b) even less
Free than Debian.

It's the same story we had five years ago when our release cycle

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