Le vendredi, 16 février 2018, 16.11:29 h CET Raphael Hertzog a écrit :
> I don't have any definite answers although there are ideas to explore:
> - we could relax our requirements and have a way to document the
>   limitations of those packages (wrt our usual policies)
> - we could ship those applications not as .deb but as container
>   and let them have their own lifecycle

tl;dr: a new package format is needed, with a new non-suite-specific 
repository is needed to bring the Debian added-value to these ecosystems.

My current understanding of the problem is that there are two problems 
entangled with eachothers, for which Debian is currently not providing 

* version spread
* layer-specific expectations

# Version spread

Certain software will need to be available in multiple versions to satisfy 
reverse dependencies constraints, be it for convenience reasons ("the 
only version of that library my application has been tested with"), 
willingness to use the shiniest and latest, or any other reason.

We have that problem already with jQuery and others, but it seems to be mostly 
contained thanks to reasonable back- and forward- compatibility. As Debian, we 
are insisting that our releases ideally only contain a single version of a 
software, that we insist is made available at system-level. The reasons for 
that are multiple, but the main one is the facilitated tracking and fixing of 
security issues, that we then only have to fix once, thereby protecting all 
its reverse dependencies. As has been mentioned with the example of Django, 
some software change too rapidly and too much for that single-version 
constraint to hold [0], and providing only one version is bound to not satisfy 
most reverse dependencies' needs; in other words, it's not going to be used.

Another aspect of the version spread is that it limits the set of software we 
check DFSG-freeness of. There's an initial "seal-of-approval" from the FTP-
Masters when going through NEW, but then it is currently left to the 
maintainer and the community to do this ongoing check. The cristallization 
towards the stable release will also encourage checking for eventual 
violations in only one version per software.

# Layer-specific expectations

Debian has long insisted that all software shipped in 'main' is constrained by 
the same standards (DFSG, Debian Policy, minimal code duplication, 
buildability, portability, maintainability over the course of a stable release 
cycle, etc), and gets the same support "in return" (security support, common 
bugtracker, etc). This is a very good model for "lower layers"; the plumbing 
(outside of new hardware support): I don't really care what version of CUPS I 
get, as long as I can print; I don't really care what minor version of Apache 
I get as long as it works, etc etc.

On the other hand, when developing a <insert-your-language/framework-of-
choice> application, with a rapidly-moving ecosystem, developer will insist on 
having the latest version of plenty of my direct dependencies, because working 
on whatever was released in Debian stable will just be a hassle more than a 
help. Also, the friction for them to fix a bug they have experienced in one of 
these dependencies is much lower than getting it fixed in Debian stable: given 
a responsive maintainer, one can get a new release with a pull request merged 
in a matter of days; and if that doesn't work, the tools allow to get a 
precise git hash for a given project. They can fix the bug, use the fixed 
version, and go on with my development.

The point I'm trying to make, which I hope is obvious, is that the 
expectations upon software in different layers are vastly different: I want 
rock-solid kernel, libc and language interpreter, I want reasonably recent 
intermediate layers, but I want bleeding edge direct dependencies. Of course, 
fast-moving layers will not provide the same warranties as slow-moving layers.
In a Debian-idealistic world, we could hold all layers up to the same 
standards, stabilize them up to a point where they can become part of stable, 
and all application developers would use Debian's set of libraries, from 
stable. Point is, that's not what is expected from Debian either: a Python 
application will only use Debian's python interpreter and virtualenv, all the 
rest will be taken from somewhere else than Debian, because it's way closer to 
how it'll be developped, and in many cases (just one missing library in 
stable), the only reasonable way to deploy said application. Then, instead of 
having only Debian as 'security' counterpart (getting the host to a secure 
state through a `apt upgrade`), the application developer now has to (do 
they?) care about the closer layer's security hirself.

# Now, onto a solution

In other words, vendorization is the tool that allows developers to get rid of 
distribution constraints and get on with their development through installing 
the dependencies from their ecosystem as they see fit (non-root), in the 
(eventually precise) version they need. But using these "upper-layer" 
management tools (pip, npm, bower, you-name-it), one doesn't get the 
constraints from the distribution, but one doesn't get the benefits from the 
distribution either. And Debian (amongst others) has value to offer to these 
layers too: DFSG-freeness, traceability, reproducibility, a common package 
format and a set of tools, etc.

It would be really sad if Debian was incrementally reduced to only the 
"boring" lower layers, for which only few really benefit from the Debian 
added-value, and if the upper-layers were left to ecosystems with different 
free software standards.

Now, as a strawman proposition, here's what I fiddled with in my mind for some 
days now:

* a new .vdeb format variant that:
** enables for multiple versions to be installed in parallel, where files are
   unpacked in a version-specific paths
** forbids any kind of maintainer scripts
** is not bound to a specific suite
** is restricted to be arch:all (~ shipping interpreter scripts)
** can be built mostly automatically (from existing npm/composer/pypi
** (ideally) can be user-installed
* a repository of these .vdeb
** whose DFSG-freeness is checked
** which version set is known, and tracked
** that can provide new versions "on-demand"

In other words, this would be a Debian-provided whitelist of upper-layer 
packages. The packaging would be the combination of a VCS repository reference 
and a thin declarative-only packaging layer. A specific version would go 
through NEW, but subsequent versions could be auto-generated. After-the-fact 
license checking could/would still be possible of course (as is now for 
conventional packages). I imagine some mechanism where the initial NEW 
processing would whitelist a certain software-version combination and "the 
system" could then indicate "how far from the DFSG check" a later version is.

This hypothetical repository would allow upper-layer packaging to preferably 
use Debian-provided packages, for their added value (DFSG, security tracking, 
uniformity, etc), and given not-infinite effort, this repository could 
whitelist enough packages accross enough framework environments to be of real 

How does that sound?

Thanks for your reading, and looking forward to reading your feedbacks!


[0] For Django: "The plan is to have a new feature release every 8 months and 
a new long-term support release (LTS) every 2 years." https://

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