On Wed, 30 May 2018, Sean Whitton wrote:

Hi Sean, 

> On Wed, May 30 2018, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> > we still have 175GiB git repos left on alioth. Please remove them
> > asap.
> Thank you for your efforts in this area.
> I take it we should leave repos on alioth when their Vcs-* headers have
> not been updated in unstable?  Or are you saying that as many repos as
> possible should be removed (i.e. all those that have been migrated to
> salsa, whether or not they've been uploaded), because the archival
> address is going to be different anyway?
> What I'm asking is, what exactly is the meaning of 'obsolete'?  I looked
> at your previous d-d-a posting and it does not really say.  It would be
> great if you could make your request a little more precise.
> >     282.1MiB [## ] /debconf-share.git
> I don't know who is responsible for this repo, but it is used to power
> the videos archive, IIRC.  So it should probably be archived until the
> person who runs that service wakes up :)
> >     1.4GiB [ ] /pkg-mozext
> Just to note that the pkg-mozext repos *should* be archived rather than
> moved to salsa -- they are for xul- extensions, but our new group is for
> webext- extensions only.  This is because xul- extensions will only work
> for a few more months.  But we should keep the git history archived
> somewhere.
Every repo on alioth will get archived and disabled on the weekend. Alioth is
gone at the end of the weekend. 

There it doesn't make sense to keep anything on alioth which is also on
salsa. Everything else gets archived for historical purposes. 
Every repo that is on salsa and alioth will just waste ressources on the
archive host.

So *please* delete everything that has been migrated other services.

I hope that makes things clearer.


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