Joseph Herlant:
> Hi,
> I'm having issues sending my updated key to
> $ gpg --keyserver --send-keys
> E823DA111E22D7857E1D865863F7800A23D7B252
> gpg: sending key 63F7800A23D7B252 to hkp://
> gpg: keyserver send failed: No keyserver available
> gpg: keyserver send failed: No keyserver available
> Do you have any idea what I could do wrong here?
> Thanks for your help,
> Joseph

Which Debian branch of GnuPG is this error happening with?
(I assume it's Sid/Unstable).

Reason I ask is last year I had a problem sending my rsa4096 key to when using gpg from Sid, but it worked fine when using gpg
from Stretch (and using the exact same keyring in both cases).  Offhand I don't
recall the exact error I got but I remember it seemed nonsensical to the acutal
issue, and now "feels similar" to the error you're receiving.

If by chance you've run into the same issue, that would be interesting.

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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