On Sun, 11 Nov 2018, Adam Borowski wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 07:50:55PM +0100, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> > Then, they should click on the button they are asked to click. This
> > takes far less time than a long (and discourteous) rant.
> Yeah... you walk out without a word, and are upset if people still care
> about you?  MW acted like an ass here.
> > I know you have good intention in trying to improve the MIA process, but
> > I think[*] this sends the wrong message to the current volunteers: you
> > can act as professionally as you can, you will still get criticism from
> > a few people on some minor details. Can we spare our volunteers more
> > carefully than rude people?
> That's expected.  The work of a mortician (MIA is basically this) is
> unpleasant, and having people lash at you just for doing it is the norm
> rather than an exception.
> I see no way to make Mattia's work safe from being yelled at.  Anything we
> say here won't get to people MIA interacts with, and if any of us gets
> MIA-but-alive, we'd long since forgotten how we're supposed to behave
> (as apparently customs are different at wherever MW worked at these years).
> So I hope you'll grit your teeth and keep going.  You may end up as grumpy
> as formorer -- but, notably, he still hasn't stopped his thankless unpaid
> work.  Yes, every time you contact him about a list issue you get a reply
> in a tone so uncheery it can sour the milk in a cow, but what's admirable
> is that he _keeps getting shit done_.
I am not nearly as grumpy as you think. I usually don't have much time, which
is the reason for my answers often being as short as possible. There is also
the language barrier of "german english" that sounds more rude than english
spoken by a native. 

I apologize if my answers sound more rude than they should.


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