On 12/26/18 7:19 PM, Dominik George wrote:
> Hi,
>>  2. I am happy with the current charter of backports and I think it's
>>     possible to move forward with fastpaced without having to change
>>     that charter.
> Yep. That's exactly why the proposal changes nothing about -backports. I
> am still confused why Alex and you keep insisting that anything would be
> changing there.
>>  3. formerer is speaking from experience when he says that it's
>>     possible to make this kind of change unofficially first, learn
>>     from it, and thus set the groundwork for making it official.
>>     If you foresee obstacles to that, can you say more about where
>>     they lie?  Maybe we can help address them, or maybe we can find
>>     another way forward.
>>     If you don't see obstacles, why not start today?
> I think I already made those obstacles clear: Starting outside means
> buying, installing and operating at least a server vor
> volatile.debian.net (or whatever you call it), setting up and
> maintaining an upload queue, the queued, and everything around it,
> building from source for at least the most important architectures on
> hardware that needs to be there and maintained for that, etc. There are
> several issues with that:
>  - It costs a lot time that could better be used elsewhere.
>  - It costs extra money, which I for one do not have to spare.
>  - I do not sure I can do it right, because I do not know all the
>    technical details.

If the problem is hardware and connectivity, then IMO you can easily
find a sponsor for it. My company could well offer it for example
(hosted in Geneva with very nice connectivity to almost everywhere).

Setting-up a repository isn't hard. And for a start, I don't think you
really need a buildd network, just amd64 is ok-ish.

> If you know how to start with a new service at
> {volatile,fastpaced,whatever}.debian.net without having to reinvent the
> wheel for acceptign uploads, getting packages built, etc., please
> enlighten me.

Setting-up reprepro, or even Dak, isn't that hard.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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