Russ Allbery writes:
> If so, I think that security model is roughly equivalent to the automatic
> signing of binary packages by buildds, so probably doesn't introduce a new
> vulnerability,

It doesn't rely on strong cryptographic hashes to guarantee integrity.
To quote Wikipedia:

| Revision control systems such as Git, Mercurial, and Monotone use
| SHA-1 not for security but to identify revisions and to ensure that
| the data has not changed due to accidental corruption.
+---[ ]

But developers could instead just sign artifacts using a strong
cryptographic hash that will be included in the source package; for
example the .orig.tar and .debian.tar which can be made reproducible
(git-archive is supposed to be reproducible; compression might not be so
just sign the uncompressed version).

We shouldn't go back to trusting SHA-1.

> There are also some interesting nuances here around handling DM packages,
> where not everyone with a key in the keyring can upload every package,
> although the obvious way to address that is probably for this service to
> do the same DM checks that ftpmaster would normally do.

We have other permissions checks as well; they shouldn't be
reimplemented in different places.  Instead the archive (dak) should
know who signed the package.


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