On 08/12/2019 13:27, JungHwan Kang wrote:
Hi, forks.
I appreciate your previous answer to my question about the open-source licenses.
May I ask another question?

1. Is it no matter who releases his Linux distribution under his license for commercially?     the distribution is made of modified and unmodified packages from upstream.

In what I write below: "you" is a general you - equivalent to "anybody who"

If you put together a Linux distribution, you can choose how to distribute it as a collected work. In each case, however, each program will be under it's own licnce. Packaging software may involve modifying it - you need to take that into account and make sure that any software you package allows modification. The Debian Free Software Guidelines specify that software should allow modification.

2. Following question #1,
    I think if I were him, I'll be careful only about the license conflict of the modified packages.     He needs to consider the original upstream license to make his license for the modified
     packages to avoid the license incompatibility issue.

See above: if the softwrae doesn't allow modifcation, it can't be included. Each program is under it's own licence: packagers need to be sure that that program is suitable. That includes checking that packaging and use takes care of any licence conflicts in individual components. That's one reason why Debian suggest that some licences are acceptable but leaves it up to each individual packager to be responsible.

3. Is there any Linux distribution released under a certain license, really?
     I just want to check it one more time.

I doubt there's any complete Linux distribution released under only one licence

Best regards

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