(Here's another one I may later wind up regretting; I'm out on too many
if-I-remember and if-I-understand limbs, and am thus speaking based on
too many possibly-false premises, and I'm also now explaining personal
preferences which might readily be deemed too minor or too niche to be
reasonable to bother supporting. I don't want to just drop the
conversation midstream at this point, however.)

On 2020-01-03 at 14:36, Russ Allbery wrote:

> The Wanderer <wande...@fastmail.fm> writes:
>> On 2020-01-03 at 13:35, Russ Allbery wrote:

>>> Why would that be necessary?
>> Which part? The splitting out, or the accepting of the init
>> scripts?
> Both.
>> The splitting out I think I've already addressed, if not directly
>> or at length; I can go over it more specifically if desired,
>> although I sometimes have a hard time phrasing things in that
>> context in ways which aren't unintentionally provocative. The short
>> version would be: to avoid undesirable side effects from other
>> parts of the systemd package. (Again, it's been long enough that I
>> forget what those side effects were, although I think they had to
>> do with logind.)
> So far as I can tell, installing the systemd package by itself
> shouldn't do anything.  It's possible that I'm wrong, but if so, it
> might be easier to just fix that problem rather than splitting out
> binaries.  It's also possible that you ran into some long-ago-fixed
> bug and there is no longer any problem with installing the systemd
> package on a system that isn't running systemd.

If I recall and understand correctly, installing systemd-the-package
will result in at least some of the daemons therein - including both
systemd itself, and systemd-logind - being set up to run automatically
in the correct contexts (whether by scripted invocation set up by a
package, or by socket activation, or by some other means), in such a way
that they will generally wind up running even on a computer where
systemd-the-daemon is not the init system. I'm currently digging through
the result of 'apt-get source systemd', and I haven't yet managed to
either confirm or refute this with certainty.

If that's not true - if having that package installed will (now) never
lead those daemons to be run without something external to the package
which triggers them to get run, and a non-systemd-as-init-system machine
will (now) not involve anything which triggers running them unless the
sysadmin specifically sets it up that way - then I'm on entirely the
wrong track here, and unless there's something else I'm not remembering,
my split-the-package objections almost certainly disappear. (Although it
would probably then become harder to ensure that I don't install
something which is going to trigger running any of them.)

Again if I recall correctly, there were some behaviors which arose from
having logind running in a non-systemd-as-init-system environment which
the maintainers did not consider something which they would need to fix
but which I found undesirable. Unfortunately, I have largely forgotten
what they were; I have a vague memory of something about
normal-operation status text stepping all over the text console at which
I log in and from which I startx, and that it may have been related to
the fact that I was using systemd-shim rather than
systemd-the-init-system and so the setup was considered unsupported by
the systemd maintainers, but I'm not even certain that that was the same
problem. (Of course, systemd-shim isn't even an option anymore.)

I thus want to avoid letting logind run, and as far as I can tell, doing
that without breaking other things means not letting systemd-the-package
get installed - because even if I disable logind post-install by some
mechanism, other things may have chosen to depend on systemd-the-package
because they need logind, and may quite reasonably assume that the
presence of the former means that the latter will be available for them
to use.

Given those experiences, I also have reservations about letting any
other systemd-related daemons run without specific reason, just because
I don't know what side effects they might cause - now or in the future.
It's not as nearly absolute an objection, but as indicated in my first
message, I don't trust systemd-the-project not to introduce behaviors
which I find undesirable.

> I don't think there's enough information on this thread to indicate
> that there's any need to split out the package.  Probably it would
> make sense for someone to just try installing that package on a
> non-systemd system and running systemd-tmpfiles and systemd-sysusers
> and see if anything breaks.

Given what Andrej Shadura wrote in reply to me this morning, I'd be
surprised if anything did break, at least anything related to tmpfiles
or sysusers.

I don't want to "risk" (in quotation marks because there may not be
much, if any, actual risk involved) my primary system on testing this,
and right now I don't have any spare systems or a working virtualization
environment (because I haven't been able to get libvirt, as packaged for
Debian, to work properly in a non-systemd environment) to use for
testing, so I'm not in a position to do that test myself. I do have a
functioning virtualization environment at my workplace, so if downtime
permits over the next week or three, I may be able to do that there.

(Personally, I'd argue that splitting the various daemons and non-daemon
tools out into packages according to which ones depend on which others
makes sense purely from a "granularity of dependencies" perspective, but
it's been clear for a long time that that argument is a nonstarter with
the systemd maintainers.)

>> The accepting of init scripts seemed to me like an essential piece
>> of making sure those scripts would be present wherever they would
>> be needed. Your suggestion above seems to provide a way to make it
>> less essential, and thus would make moving forward easier and more
>> practical. The only question is how to make sure that that other
>> package would be present whenever a non-systemd init system is in
>> use, and that seems like a simple matter of adding dependencies
>> from the set-foo-as-active-init-system package for foo.
> Yeah, that was my thought.  It also keeps the infrastructure for 
> supporting other init systems in its own packages maintained by
> people who use those init systems, which seems likely to improve the
> quality of maintenance and shorten the loop on bug fixes.

The more I think about it, the more it seems like a superior approach
all around. I'm sorry to have brought up the idea of the other approach
by virtue of having failed to think of this one.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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