Le samedi, 8 février 2020, 16.15:13 h CET Svante Signell a écrit :
> On Sat, 2020-02-08 at 14:51 +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > Sam Hartman, le sam. 08 févr. 2020 08:27:24 -0500, a ecrit:
> > > It sounds like you were suggesting that people should leave as a way of
> > > pressuring or punishing the project.
> Why not, if the project is heading in the wrong way according to their
> conviction. Some people have already left Debian, as a result of the GR.

The Debian project members voted for a project's position statement of the 
day, that resulted in option B winning [0]. You might dislike this result, but 
option B is the Debian project's current opinion on Init systems, multiple 
init systems, and the use of systemd facilities.

Now with this Debian's position statement in mind, you can choose to help 
making (this) Debian better, or you can choose to put your energy in other 
projects that pursue goals more aligned with yours. That's not pushing you 
out, that's Debian saying "this is where we're going; are you going along?".

> > I'd say do not try to fix it, we've been trying unsuccessfully within the
> > Hurd community.
> Samuel, so you want me to stop working on Hurd? Nice, the first thing I'll
> do is to shut down the Debian/GNU Hurd buildd mahler.

Threats and emotional blackmail are not welcome in Debian. Please stop.

(If you don't feel like maintaining an piece of infrastructure for the Debian 
project, by all means organize its replacement to free it from your 
hands. It's clearly your right. But don't use work you do for the project as 
argumentative lever; that's really not acceptable.)


[0] https://www.debian.org/vote/2019/vote_002#textb

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