On Sun, 09 Feb 2020 04:04:25 -0600, Michael Lustfield wrote:

> I would personally *LOVE* to see ITPs be a requirement for *ALL* new packages.

Fine with me.

> Making it a requirement and expecting ftp-masters to ignore any upload until
> the ITP has existed for at least X days would be absolutely fantastic. 

Ehm, please, no.
I would find it highly interruptive for my work if I'd have to wait
for X days.

> It would
> fix some redundant library uploads (see golang/nodejs/etc.) and it would
> provide a mandatory level of review by the wider community.
> Back when I tried to get gitea packaged for main, I had a number of ITPs
> commented/closed mentioning the alternate library name or a reason it can't be
> packaged.

Maybe that's helpful for some teams, in the perl team our tools
(dh-make-perl in particular) check for existing packages and existing
wnpp bugs.
> Why do reviews take so long?

As a side note: Not all reviews take long, there's seems to be quite
some variance in the time they take.

gregor, who's usually very happy with the turnaround time of
        NEW packages

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