
today I've seen the first time this new lintian warning:

   mailing-list-obsolete-in-debian-infrastructure Debian Med Packaging Team 

I wonder whether we could this set from severity Warning to Pedandic.
The point is that this address works not only as maintainer but rather
as key in several infrastrutural use case like database queries etc.

The only reason that would convince me that a change is needed would be
that the redirect to alioth-lists.debian.net would not work any more at
some foreseable point of time.  So please note:  I would not mind about
automatically replacing that address with something non-obsolete since
we try to do some turnover of all (about 1000) Debian Med packages per
release.  But once we start this change several tools will stop working
reliably.  This is to much effort for something that looks cosmetical in
my eyes.  So if you insist that this should be at severity warning I'll
probably rather add a lintian override automatically for all our
packages rather than automatically change the maintainer address.

Kind regards



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