On 15949 March 1977, Calum McConnell wrote:

The Rust community's expectation seems to be that you would install cargo, and use that to download and build the clap package directly from upstream,
without apt/dpkg being involved at all.
I don't know that that means we should abandon efforts to integrate the
debian packages into usable code.


There might be something about how cargo works that makes this kind of
integration impossible, similar to how the Nix package manager doesn't
play well with others. But I don't think we should just segregate Rust
libraries to a corner of the archive without at least considering it.

While I do think its kind of foolish to assume the rust people in Debian haven't thought if its feasible to do so (or not), the best way to find out is talking to them. I found them quite helpful and friendly, even when I told them that their way is not what we want in Debian. I mean, I block their most preferred way from (continuing to) enter Debian, the rest of the team tells them similar for a longish time, so if it would be easy to just flip something and be "more debian like", I do think it would have been used.

Of course, if you find the magic, all the better.

And if that way comes around in a year or three, the proposal here makes it *easy* (archive side) to "switch them back into the main packages file".

bye, Joerg

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