Le 07/02/2021 à 19:27, Russ Allbery a écrit :
> The more interesting question is what if there simply isn't resources to
> adopt them and maintain them properly.  In that case, are we better off
> with them, or without them?
> I don't think this answer is obvious, but I would lean towards saying
> we're better off with them.

The recent re-upload of xserver-xorg-video-*
drivers is a good example of (maybe) unmaintained but useful packages.
See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=955603

Several xserver-xorg-video-* (like xserver-xorg-video-r128) were
removed by this bug because:
> They are either unmaintained upstream or provide no value to the
> distribution.

But were still being useful for users as shown by these comments on
> Please keep these drivers. They work as just fine, and many people
> still use them. They have not been dropped by upstream X.org, and there
> is no reason to drop them from Debian. Without these drivers, it will
> make running Debian desktop on this hardware impossible. One of the
> things that makes Debian great is the backward compatibility. It's very
> sad to see destructive actions like this being taken. Please don't just
> throw away all the work that people have put into these drivers over
> the years, and please don't orphan their users!

Another comment:
> those modules are STILL IN RECENT SERVERS like r128 (rage) and
> openchrome via boards
> proliant hp and DELL ones!

These drivers were reintroduced last friday.

Alexis Murzeau
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