On Sat, Jun 05, 2021 at 01:19:10PM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
If you'd have took time to explain the real reason behind why choosing a
RPi4 maybe a good idea versus simply saying they are better than other
choices. Then I would have considered much more knowledgeable your
opinions and fact based.

He did: Marc wrote in his first reply to you that the issue with Siji
Sunny's suggestions was their age. It wasn't an attack on Siji Sunny
themself, although you seem to have interpreted it that way. This is a
pattern I've seen in your interactions on debian-user@, too: a quickness
to interpret messages as being hostile. Please, assume good faith from
fellow participants in the Debian community.

👱🏻      Jonathan Dowland
✎        j...@debian.org
🔗       https://jmtd.net

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