Am Samstag, dem 12.06.2021 um 12:58 -0700 schrieb John E Petersen:

> Maybe I misunderstand the concept of a mirror, but I do not wish to maintain
> a server which allows the public to download Debian repositories.

You don't have to allow anybody having access to your mirror. You seem to

> I'll look into it, in any case. If I find it is possible to simply download
> the entire collection, without having to host a mirror, I may very well go
> that route. 

That is exacty what you can achieve: create a local mirror for yourself and
keep that in sync with the Debian mirrors. There are several tools to do this
(debmirror, aptly, apt-mirror, reprepro, ...). Just know that mirroring the
Debian repositories needs a lot of disk space.

> If I continue the scraping route, would adding wait time in my loop between
> downloads make my repeated access less of a problem? I would like to let it
> run until it is finished. It is tedious to restart my scrape periodically.

What exactly are you doing to get blocked?

Regards, Daniel
Daniel Leidert <> |
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